Have you guys ever thought that a time would come when this handshake would be regarded nearly as a bad or unwanted habit? Eventhough it remained as the famous form of jesture and as one of the very first things parents teach their kids, it is now seriously regarded as a sort of crime (or even more than that) due to this deadly virus, COVID-19. Where it has changed our social greetings, it had serious impact on our business environment. It has completely changed the way the meetings started and ended. I'll try to enlist every single way the business environment is changed during this pandemic; "Elbow bump" is getting fame day by day to carry on the safest form of warm interactions and avoiding handshakes, whenever an agreement is made between individuals or corporations. Payments are on-hold for the last two months. The deviation towards online delivery and work is majorly seen. Zoom, Skype etc. have experienced a major influx of customers as physial m
A blog regularly updated regarding COVID-19 news, worldwide and especially in Pakistan along with their effects on society. It deals with trustworthy references. Go on, keep yourself updated